Universal Observations

Spa Tech • May 14, 2019

I have to say that the conference was a lot more than I expected. I learned much more than 3 things, but here is what I will share:

  1. A quote from Krish Dhanam, “Mirror mirror on the wall, here I am, what’s my call?” I like this saying a lot, I have heard people say “this is not my job”, from everywhere I have worked in my life, and just because something is not in your job description, it does not mean you cannot help. I have learned that the more you do for people and your work, the more you get back in the long run. If you help with something that is not yours, you will get that help back from someone in the future. There is no job that is better than another – it may pay better – but it does not mean it is more important. If everyone would abide to this in the workplace it would make for smoother, happier work days! I do have to say that at our business I have seen very few instances like this, everyone here seems to be willing to help and that is one of the reason I enjoy working for this company.
  2. Peter Lowe inspired me to keep my head up when feeling down, to face my fears head on, and to rememeber to BREATHE, (i did learn the breathing part here). I knew exactly what he meant when he was talking about putting your head down and losing your concentration and energy. For those who were not there, he had us stand up, slouch over, and breath short and slow. When you do this your whole body feels different, it feels tired and yucky! So put your head up, look people in the face, breathe deeply, and conquer your fears, you feel like a million bucks! He also reminded us that it does not take a day to accomplish your goals or fears, sometimes it takes years, but the the outcome is amazing.
  3. Zig Ziglar also spoke about how people work the day before vacation. He said that we seem to get so much more accomplished in 1 day because we know we have to get it done. He said we should work everday like it is the day before vacation, and the company we work for will see the difference, and you will also have time to research new things because you did not drag your work out.
  4. I also learned that the word “Unbeleiveable” can be used in all sorts of context. For example, “How was your day?” – UNBELIEVABLE, “How was your appointment?” – UNBELIEVABLE, “How did that cake taste?” – It was UNBELIEVABLE. So if you do not want to let someone know you had a bad experience, or even a good experience – you can always use the word UNBELIEVABLE.
  5. Public Speaking is the # 1 Fear in America.
  6. What we say controls our mind, not what we think controls what we say. So if your having a bad day – speak out-loud that your having a great day, and see if this is true!


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